Full Edition 2018 Hotels & Chains in Italy

By Giorgio Ribaudo on March 15 2018

The Full Edition is a practical and frequently used tool, which groups together the best business intelligence of the operators’ database of Horwath HTL, ISTAT data and data from the main OTAs, in 200 pages of statistics and information, ordered for an intuitive consultation.

Indispensable for hotel chains to obtain a fast and updated photograph of the competition, with the evolution of the last 5 years, as well as the geographies of development and statistics of ready-to-use destination.

Much consulted by investors in the hospitality sector (60% of copies ordered in 2017) to obtain useful references and to know the dynamics of the main Italian destinations, business models and the characteristics of the chains, the changes of witness in management.

This year is enriched with geo-referenced data on the presence of the chains and with product data, through the mapping of the chain portfolio and independent facilities of the main destinations.

It is possible to purchase the Full Edition – Hotels & Chains in Italy 2018 at the “Shop” page of our website.

Detailed index of the publication and some example pages are available here.

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About the author

Giorgio Ribaudo gribaudo@horwathhtl.com