Hotels & Chains in Italy 2017

By Giorgio Ribaudo on March 6 2017

The Hotels & Chains in Italy 2017 study, presented in Milan, as part of the Master in Tourism Economics at Bocconi University, was created by Horwath HTL, STR and, for the second time, in collaboration with the Italian Confindustria Alberghi Association.

Today there are over 155 thousand chain rooms in the country, up 4.5% over 2015. The penetration of the chains in the Italian stock is 4.2% in terms of hotels, a figure lower, according to the latest Horwath HTL census at European level, than that recorded by Spain (28%), France (20.8%), UK (15.7%) and Germany (14.5%). However, there are encouraging signs for the consolidation and growth in weight of the hotel sector.

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About the author

Giorgio Ribaudo